In the last issue I said the first principle of Authentic Selling is Trust. The second principle is Transparency. Does it surprise you that you can be open and honest and still sell? It’s true! In fact, in our jaded, “I’ve been sold too often” world, it’s what works best, even if it is an approach you don’t experience often. Imagine talking to another person, wanting to help if you can, having a real conversation, and offering your services if they are a fit. All the while being honest, having integrity, and being transparent.
Read MoreWhat do you have to know and do to be able to sell with authenticity and integrity? The first principle of Authentic Selling is TRUST. Trust of yourself. Trust of the other person. Trust of the process. One of the reasons you shy away from learning to sell well is that you don’t trust yourself to be true to your values and to honor the other person. Let’s look at that now.
Read MoreIn the Northern Hemisphere, Tuesday was the first day of spring. Can you feel new life beginning as plants push up into the light and birds chirping and singing? After the challenges of winter, it is thrilling to feel the tender shoots of life stirring. What is springing up in your life and business?
Read MoreThis past week my coach was in Chapel Hill working with her coach. Yes, coaches have coaches – at least the good ones do to keep learning, growing and expanding so they can share what they master with their clients! I was delighted to have breakfast with her before taking her to the airport. At one point in the conversation, I talked about feeling an undercurrent of anxiety about the state of the world and about a situation in my business.
Read MoreNow here's a secret about sales that you may not know - sales happen because of relationships. The buyer has to answer each of these questions about you with a “yes”. Do I know you? Do I like you? Do I trust you? Without a “yes” to all of those questions, no one is buying from you.
Read MoreMy lovely friend, Diana Needham who does book marketing and publishing consulting, had a great comment about Selling at the first Abundance with Adele workshop. She said, "Sales is a conversation." When she gets on a call, Diana doesn't know where it will go - will she get a new client, will she make a new connection in her network, will she find a new referral partner or someone new to do a project with?
Read MoreMany people live with the toxic belief that there is not enough. And its equally limiting sidekick - that I am not enough! These crippling myths are promoted in our consumer culture. Why would you wear perfume if you smelled good enough? Why would you want a new car if the one you have is just fine?
Read MoreYou know about the Gender Pay Gap in US corporations with women getting paid only 67% of what men earn. In small businesses and for minority women, the Gender Pay Gap can be even larger than 67% Many women in service businesses do not enjoy the income they desire and deserve.
Read MoreThe first ever Abundance with Adele live workshop was a BLAST! It sold out and had standing room only attendance with great women business owners and service professionals learning how to bring more money into their businesses. At the end I gave them the assignment to ask Expansive Questions whenever they feel stuck or frustrated about money. The most popular one was this: "Who can I be to bring (put your desire here) into my business each and every month?"
Read MoreEver think that the flow of money into your bank account has a crimp in it? Like a garden hose that doesn’t deliver all the water it’s capable of? It might actually be true! Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs may be jamming up the amount of money, the number of clients, and the extent to which you love your business and life. Let’s get to work on expanding your abundance today.
Read MoreWhat would it be like to expand past your current Abundance Limits? You know - those nasty thoughts that come up whenever you think about having more clients, making more money, or having a bigger impact with your work? Those thoughts come to all of us. Success comes to you when you expand past them, stop believing the lies your mind tells you, and do that scary thing that’s going to bring you more of what you want.
Read MoreLet’s dive deeper into our conversation about expanding your abundance limits.Last time I asked the two really important questions, from Gay Hendricks’s book The Big Leap:“How much love and abundance am I willing to allow?”And “How am I getting in my own way?”
Read MoreIt’s Self-Improvement Time! A new year propels us to new goals and resolutions to make better things happen in our life. What gets very tricky – down right challenging – is when the new habits (did anyone say “better diet and more exercise?”) become inconvenient, hard, and so unfamiliar that we give up on them before January is over. My intention for 2018 is to expand my Abundance in every area in my life and business and make that expansion real and sustainable throughout the year and in future years to come.
Read MoreBusiness can be a dreary drudgery sometimes. The best remedy is light-heartedness and not taking yourself so seriously! As our habit for this week, I have a bonus treat for you that will help you have more fun and less stress. Usually I give you a written article in case you are a reader rather than a video watcher. But today, it’s video only because it’s an interactive session that will make you feel great as you play along. Watch it here and look below for more information if you want to know more about this practice.
Read MoreIf you cringe at your mistakes or stop yourself from taking the next step in your business or feel completely confused and overwhelmed, this habit is for you! It’s a simple practice from Eastern philosophy. It can take the weight of perfectionism off your shoulders and get you back into action. Watch the video or read the article below to learn about this habit.
Read MoreAre you ready for the next Habit That Enhances Your Success? Well, it is Community & Support. Community and Support. As you probably have noticed, if you’re not going to a workplace every day, it can get pretty lonely sitting behind your computer and working with your clients and trying to get it all done. Watch the video or read the article below to remedy this problem in your business.
Read MoreYou’re probably not doing this enough. Sure you may be busy and harried, but it you are not practicing this habit daily, you are not enjoying the success you desire. Of all the habits to cultivate, this one is the Golden Key. Take a look at the video or the article below to see how you rate yourself on this make-or-break habit.
Read MoreAmping up this habit will definitely boost your business and move you ahead faster than you might imagine. The most successful people do this often and consistently through their day and week. In fact this ability is often exactly what they are paid handsomely for. The faster you get at this habit, the faster you will progress in your business as you grow your success. Watch the video or read the article below to learn about this Habit that Encourages Your Success.
Read MoreDo you ever stop to do this simple step? Before you go networking, before you write an email, before you have a sales conversation? If you do, you may notice that you get better results – almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don’t, it’s time to adopt this Habit that Encourages Your Success on a regular basis! Watch the video to discover what practice I’m talking about or read the transcript below. And let me know what you discover when you make this practice a habit!
Read MoreDo you ever wonder what challenges your colleagues face every day? I sure do. So I thank everyone who responded to the survey I posted a couple of weeks ago. You may find their answers helpful to you just as I do.The most frequent responses are: How to make more money (about 75% of respondents and how to get more clients (about 58% of respondents). Does that surprise you? No, it doesn’t surprise me either.
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