The Second Basic Principle of Authentic Selling
In the last post I said the first principle of Authentic Selling is Trust.
The second principle is Transparency.
Does it surprise you that you can be open and honest and still sell?
It’s true! In fact, in our jaded, “I’ve been sold too often” world, it’s what works best, even if it is an approach you don’t experience often.
Imagine talking to another person, wanting to help if you can, having a real conversation, and offering your services if they are a fit. All the while being honest, having integrity, and being transparent.
That’s what Authentic Selling is - one person speaking to another while they both honestly look for a fit.
But a sales conversation is a complex communication because there are questions for both people that must be explored.
As the leader of the sales conversation, your questions include -
- “Do you have a problem that I can help you solve?”
- “Does what I offer serve you right now?”
- “Do you want to change or are you okay letting things stay the same?”
- “Are you someone I would like to work with or will you be a nightmare client?” (This might be more intuitive than a spoken question, but it’s important to consider!)
From the prospect’s side, the questions, often unspoken, include -
- “Am I willing to admit that I actually have a problem?”
- “Does what you offer seem like it will solve the problem I have and want to solve?”
- “Do I feel that I know, like, and trust you?”
- “Do I trust myself to do the work necessary to change?”
- “Do I want to spend the money on this solution right now?”
Addressing these questions is Transparency in Authentic Selling - wanting to help, saying what you are inspired to say, and noticing any conflicts in what the other person says about what she wants. If she says conflicting things, it’s your job to respectfully pursue them until you and your prospect come to an agreement about what problem and the potential solution are.
It can be like having a conversation with a trusted friend who needs your help. It may result in a sale and it may not.
Being transparent in your sales conversations is a skill to develop and master so that you can be of greater service to more people in your business and you enjoy more profitability and fulfillment.
PS The April 25th Abundance with Adele in person workshop is open for registration.
This month’s topic is Sales Conversations. You’ll learn a map for leading a sales conversation that serves you AND your prospect while getting you more ideal clients.
Register for free now to guarantee your seat as we have sold out in the past.