Last week on a Facebook group, someone posted a link to a blog post by Mike Hrostoski called “F*** You Spiritual People for Using Gratitude as a Bypass to Your Anger”. I'll not give you the whole link because I don't want to offend anyone by cussing here, but if you want to read all of Mike’s rant, fill in the blank letters and you'll find it online here. The title shocked me so of course I checked it out. Mike really got his rant on and as I read his post, I felt a resonance with what he was saying. He expressed what had been niggling in the back of my mind, but wouldn't let myself admit.
Read MoreIf you are new to your own business or come from a corporate or a therapeutic practice background, figuring out the “new rules of business” can be confusing. You want to be pragmatic and have a heart at the same time. You find yourself trying to give away too much. You watch how other people do their business and decide you don’t want to do it the way they do.
Read MoreYou’ve had that experience when someone sold you a product, but it didn’t work the way it was promised. Or you may have felt “pressured” into buying something that you didn’t really need or want, but you did it any way to be nice or pleasing.
Read MoreIn mid-September I visited Southport, NC, a lovely coastal town that was featured in the movie Safe Haven (based on the book by Nicholas Sparks). I have been to Southport several times before because both a good friend and several of my cousins live there. This time was different. I was going to present a talk to the women’s group of the local Chamber of Commerce. I was nervous, I was excited, I was prepared.
Read MoreIt's perceived wisdom that in business the shark wins. The aggressive, the fast, the dominant take the spoils. The nice guy or gal isn't going to win, so s/he might as well get out of the way. Too many of us nice, smart people are intimidated by the myth of the shark
Read MoreDo you turn into “Meek Molly” when you talk to a prospective client about working with you?Do you become “Bulldozer Betty” by being overly aggressive and pushy? Do you play “Avoiding Annie” and just skip the whole sales conversation all together? I’ve played each one of these roles in sales, and honestly, none of them have worked very well. It’s just the oddest thing how a confident adult turns into a child, an awkward teen, or a bully when faced with selling her services.
Read MoreDo you ever feel stuck - that what you want to happen just isn’t, and you don’t know what to do about it? Your answer could be CHOICE. That’s right, making a choice. Choosing. Deciding, and then doing something about it. At a recent training on Business Leadership Mastery, Rachael Jayne Groover, the coach and trainer, began the conversation with “Where are you in your business?” Participants in Business Leadership Mastery with Rachael Jayne Groover – Denver July 2014
Read MoreAs we in the United States celebrate our independence on July 4th, I pause to appreciate all the freedoms we enjoy in this country: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom to pursue our version of happiness to name a few. Compared to many other women throughout the world, we have so much to give thanks for in the freedoms with which we lead our daily lives and pursue our dreams. Yet, I've noticed that many women in business rarely feel free to experience joy and feel fulfilled. We put ourselves last on our To Do List, if we are there at all, and we give much of our time, energy, and talent to others without asking for anything in return.
Read MoreThese days, women have a lot of gripes with men: they don’t communicate their feelings, they don’t help around the house, they let the kids get away with murder or are too hard on them, they don’t appreciate us enough, they’re cranky, they’re not romantic, they only want to watch tv and have sex. You could probably add your own complaints to the list. But here’s the question: Are you letting the men in your life support you? I’m talking about ALL the men in your life, not just your partner, but also your colleagues at work; the guy who mows your lawn; and your brother, father, or son.
Read MoreIn the aftermath of the death of my beloved companion dog Sophie, I have had to pay much closer attention to self-care. I have been tired and distracted by grief. I couldn't concentrate enough to work very much for the first three weeks after she died. Even reading was a challenge as my mind and body were processing her absence. The last time I lost a major figure in my life was 27 years ago when my father died with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). After his funeral I went back to work and managed the roller coaster of grief by pushing the painful feelings away.
Read MoreI recently told my coach that I thought my Inner Teenager was getting in the way of making progress in my business. She asked me what I meant. I was immediately taken back to the days when I was tall, gawky, pimply-faced with glasses and braces. I desperately wanted to fit in, but I didn’t. I wanted to find my way, but I didn’t know how.
Read MoreMany of us feel disjointed and out of sync with the rhythm of life today. We try hard to keep up and fit in and often wind up feeling exhausted, depleted, and somehow wrong. Doing the practices of the Art of Feminine Presence, I realized 3 truths about Feminine Rhythm that were invisible to me before.
Read MoreI never realized what a difference having practical support at home can make until I hired Naomi a year ago. Naomi does my laundry, irons, picks up prescriptions at the drugstore, does grocery store runs as well as other errands and walks my dog when Sophie lets her. Naomi is my part-time wife.
Read MoreIn the world of small business, we are always concerned about GETTING: Getting more leads Getting more clients Getting more money Action is important in making our entrepreneurial dreams happen, but we lose something when we focus ONLY on GETTING. We lose the Art of HAVING.
Read MoreThe Chinese New Year of the Horse begins on Friday, January 31, 2014 and by all accounts, it's going to be a fast ride full of activity and good fortune. It should very different from the past two years of introspection and insights.
Read MoreOn Monday, January 20th, 2014 we celebrate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He would have been 85 years old. One of the greatest and most stirring speeches in history was Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech that he gave during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in August 1963. Over 250,000 people heard that speech live and millions more of us watching on our black and white televisions that day.
Read MoreAs I stagger grazed and changed out of the year 2013, I realize that the tremendous demands of the year are actually bearing gifts, just as I had fervently hoped during the steepest of challenges. I’m not the only one who has faced obstacles, anxieties, and deep changes this year. For many of us, this year has been stacked with challenges that have made sticking with the status quo a ridiculous thought.
Read MoreI've been doing a lot of thinking about what it means to live in a Consumer Society. Many studies in Positive Psychology show that being affluent doesn't actually make most people happier. And whether you think you are or not, you are probably affluent if you live in the developed world.
Read MoreEarlier in the month I had the pleasure of taking an Improv for Business class with my friend and colleague, Gina Trimarco Cligrow of Gina and Co. Gina is from Chicago and began doing improv at Second City at the age of 19. She used what she learned in improv class and from her entrepreneurial dad to become a successful marketer and business manager. Now she's using those skills to help other entrepreneurs become better at sales conversations and marketing through improvisational comedy.
Read MoreLast issue I wrote about the perils of over giving in your business and how to make a mind shift to taking yourself and your business seriously and getting paid good money for the value you deliver Today I want to talk about the shadow side of always over giving. This is a subject that I've looked at increasingly for years now as it became apparent to me that I am - gasp! - co-dependent.
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