Does it ever seem like your business is drudgery, hard work, disappointment sometimes, but rarely anything sparkly and fun?
Maybe you need some more magic!
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Does it ever seem like your business is drudgery, hard work, disappointment sometimes, but rarely anything sparkly and fun?
Maybe you need some more magic!
Read MoreToday we’re going to continue our series on Unraveling Self-Stopping, and we’re going to talk about a big way to stop yourself: Mistakes.
Watch the video or read the article below to understand how you may be stopping yourself by holding on to past mistakes. We’ll do an energy clearing session to help you let go of them.
Read MoreMy goal for this series is to help you become aware of where you might be stopping yourself from going for your dreams and desires. By bringing that awareness up so that you can see, “Gosh, I am doing that and I would really rather not. I'd rather choose something else.”
Read MoreToday we’re going to talk about Appreciation.
I work with women entrepreneurs and innovative teams to help them get past stopping themselves, so that they can express themselves, enjoy success in their business, bring in more money, and help their clients succeed in their life and business.
Read MoreWe’re going to tackle a big way you may be stopping yourself, and that’s shaming. You may know the work of Brené Brown. If you don’t, please check her out. She has so much to say from her research and her teaching about the effects of shaming. Shame is extremely toxic, and I want to talk about it so that you can locate where you may be shaming and stopping yourself.
Read MoreResearchers tell us that human beings think about 60,000 thoughts a day, and about 80% of them are “negative”. That means almost 40,000 negative thoughts per day are dripping through your system — your mind, your body, your emotions, and your spiritual self. Most of those thoughts are judging thoughts.
Read MoreHere’s a new series for you called Unraveling Self-Stopping. Today we’re going to talk about Overwhelm.
The aim of this series is to unravel the knots that are holding you back from achieving more of your dreams and desires.
Read MoreAdele, let’s talk about how to uncover a hidden limiter of making more confident choices with the question, “Is it yours?”
Watch the video or read the article and let me know how using this tip helps you make more confident decisions.
Read MoreWelcome to 2019. I'm going to reveal my word for the year. I would love for you to share your word for the year as well in the comments below.
Please watch the video or read the article below.
Read MoreI've been thinking about my word(s) for the new year. It's a fun exercise to review this year and dream up the next. I like to choose an overarching word for the year and then 3 words for more specifics that I desire to create in my life. I post them on my mirror and revisit them often, including putting them into my calendar with other priorities for the upcoming week.
Read MoreMy 2-day Authentic Marketing Retreat called Choosing Abundance was AWESOME! A great group of women business owners gathered in a lovely location with yummy food and worked through a detailed curriculum for getting clear and compelling about their business introduction (aka message).
Read MoreBefore I talk to you about distractions, you must promise me – you must promise me – that you will not judge yourself for your distractions,
That’s because judging just kills all the fun. It can kill your business.
When you’re judging yourself, it’s much harder to take action. And action is so key in building a business you love.
Read MoreJudgment is very stealthy. It actually seems to be in the air we breathe and the water we drink.
It’s everywhere – judging ourselves, judging others, judging our accomplishments, judging our body. It really does go on and on forever.
Read MoreI am back with another question for you, “How do you stop hiding?”
If you are hiding, then your business is not going to be very visible to the people that you want to appeal to. It will be extremely difficult to get your message across.
Here are 3 things for you to think about how to stop hiding you and your business.
Read MoreHow do you stand out in a marketplace that’s really busy, really noisy, and really crowded?
Today we are talking about Step 7 in how to create a clear and compelling message for your business, so that
· You stand out in the crowd,
· Your ideal clients can hear you,
· You attract the clients and the income you desire and deserve and
· You make the difference you want to make.
Read MoreHi, it’s Adele Michal, back with Step 6 in creating a compelling and clear message about your business, so that you get more clients, make more money, and make a bigger difference.
Read MoreLet’s talk about the magic 3 words to include in your Ideal Client Descriptor to boost your sales. We ‘re on Step 5 of how to create a compelling and clear message for your business. Step 5 is answering these questions: “Who are you talking to?” “Who is your ideal client?”
Read MoreSome of the most successful business owners I know communicate with their business regularly.
Sound strange?
Do you wonder why they do that and how?
What the business people who talk to their business tell me is that their business is an entity with intelligence and desires of its own. When they communicate with and listen to their business, they get new ideas and perspectives they would not have gotten without asking.
Read MoreHere’s your next step to create a clear and compelling message for your business.
Before you even start taking any of these steps, you want to think about what the people you serve want. What do they want – not what they need?
Read MoreHi, it’s Adele Michal back today with Step 3 of how to be clearly compelling in your messaging and marketing for your service-based business. The overall concept for successfully marketing your services is that you want to offer people what they WANT, not what they NEED.
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