Standing in the Discomfort

Standing in the Discomfort

The events of recent weeks have rocked me to my core. After a lifetime thinking of myself as a well-intentioned and unprejudiced person, I found that my beliefs about equality in this country were totally wrong. I was not taught and did not see the gross system inequities at the foundation of this nation.

I "woke" up in a new way, just as you may have, to the work ahead in creating a just and equitable society where everyone has access to housing, safety, food and water, healthcare, education, and opportunities.

After some deep soul-searching, I 

  • attended several "woke" workshops, 

  • enrolled in Erin Matthews's Living in Empathy workgroup for white women wanting to understand more about race and what to do about it (more information is here), 

  • enrolled in a book study group on Waking Up White by Debby Irving

  • contributed to organizations working for racial equality

  • bought services from black-owned businesses

  • committed to being uncomfortable as I become more informed and active in supporting efforts to create a world where love, justice, and peace can abide.

And I made this video to make a statement of where I am, what I'm committed to, and what you can count on me for. Watch the video or read the highlights below to learn more and join me on this journey if you will. 

Video Highlights

1 - Racism exists as hidden, unconscious assumptions about groups of people not like yourself and is not true.

2 - Facing the truth about racism is uncomfortable, but for us to heal the great divides in this country, for us to fulfill on its promise, and for us to survive and thrive, we must do this work. It is a moral mandate.

3 - I am a warrior at heart, and my spirit has been galvanized to work for justice and equality. You do not have to be a warrior, but if you want to be part of the change, you must pick your lane and put your foot on the gas. Doing what you can with what you have WILL make a difference. Promise!

4 - White people must do the work of dismantling racism to the deepest core of our culture. It does not serve us to maintain the illusion that we are superior. Nor can we ask people of color to do the work for us. They have suffered enough from the injustices in our systems.

5 - Good intentions are not enough. Doing the inner work of finding and releasing prejudice will free you and your resources for more good and abundance for you and others. Taking the actions you are guided to take will put you on the journey of self-discovery and self-evolution that these times call for.

6 - My commitment is to

  • help update our definition and understanding of abundance to match our true values instead of chasing the materialism that we have been told is the way to happiness. This has not proved to be true for many.

  • help heal collective and individual trauma around race, prosperity, and having and giving for women

  • offer an inclusive community that welcomes women of all races, beliefs, and cultures to the banquet table of Abundance.

My new credo is Abundance in All for All.

I hope you will join me on this journey. It is time to create the world we want to live in.